Almost exactly 4 weeks left in this journey.
I've been recommended by so many to start a blog, become a content creator, share my story -- and I've been so afraid to create something and put it out there to the big wide world. I'm also a recovering perfectionist that still feels like I need to create this beautiful complex website that will drive up user visits. In the meantime, while I don't get anything set up at the end of the day, I placate myself and my small following by posting stories on my newly created Instagram account (after getting my old account hacked many months ago) and by telling myself that I'm accumulating these photos and videos to tell my story one day, some how.
Excuses, I know.
And while I've considered creating a substack or some other easier-to-find and digestible mode of information distribution, I find myself reluctant to start all over from scratch, at least until I have something that I know I want to stick to for good. I already have so many half-finished projects that I started and abandoned for other new sites and technologies and ideas.
So in the meantime, I'm back here on my very old blog and documenting some thoughts and experiences in my last month in Korea. I'll try to be dedicated to posting one reflection per day for the last 28 days, although I already know it's going to be a challenge with friends visiting and upcoming travels. But there are so many stories and memories in me that if I'm afraid that if I don't record them down somewhere (if I try to write everything in my journal I will definitely run out of space and my hand will continuously cramp -- yes more excuses but the truth!), I will lose them eventually to the gray fog of forgotten memories and that vague sense of loss and nostalgia that is all that remains.
On the other hand, I've been thankful for the conversations I've had with friends who have touched in to see how my journey has been going. These conversations revive my experienced sentiments and have forced me to coherently articulate the swirl of emotions and thoughts that I've been constantly undergoing during my nearly two months here.
So here I am, mumbling into my corner of the void of the internet. One day I will have SEO, a beautiful layout, a great URL, and a huge devoted following (tbh, do I really want that? or do I just want this space to share my story and to help others who feel equally lost navigating their way through this confusing adventure called life?). In the meantime, Reader - if you're there - thanks for sticking it out with me amidst the messiness of my brain's products, and give me a shout! it would be a nice motivator / accountability spur.