Tis an actual website, telling the story of "what really happened" in the Gaza Strip over the last 38 years, or more presently, the past 6 months or so.
Today, there was an all school global issues, in which the resident Palestinians put together a presentation to inform the community of the Palestinian side of the Gaza conflict. The video we viewed spoke of thousands of lives lost and the perpetual fear in which Palestinians in the Gaza Strip have live and must continue to live under. Images of children's bodies, mutilated corpses, burnt out homes, rubble where buildings once stood. Wounded, dying, dead, suffering so much in life that it might be better to die. 'Rockets' red glare' and 'bombs bursting midair,' giving 'proof through the night' that people are still dying.
And we, the observers, the ones responsible for telling the so-called truth, are taking sides. I don't believe that it is wrong for a person to support one side of the conflict over the other. But I don't understand how it is possible to declare one right and the other wrong, especially in a situation where 'right' and 'wrong' are subjective terms, depending on whose point of view is judging.
For me, I don't understand how we can stand here arguing over who is right and who is wrong while people continue to die. Key word: people. Not Palestinians, not Israelis. People. It's not about who's right and who's wrong. It's not about defense or offense or punishment. It's about people dying. Why is it that whenever there is a political conflict between political powers, it is always civilian lives that have to pay?
When I viewed the video being shown during this global issues, I did not see Palestinians. I saw people. Before coming to UWC, I had never met a Palestinian before, so it's not as if I would have been able to distinguish one from the crowd. The face of a Palestinian does not have the word 'Palestinian' carved into his forehead. And if it weren't for the words in the video clip, if it wasn't for the images of signs of 'Free Palestine!' and such, I wouldn't have been able to tell who it was exactly that is undergoing all that suffering. And for me, that is what matters the most. Israeli, Palestinian, even Syrian, Georgian, Egyptian, American... Sure, there are certain distinguishing features such as the differences between those of Aryan descent and Mongolian heritage, but in reality, there is no difference. We are all the same. I once heard someone say, "There is only one race. The human race." Not the British race. Not the Indian race. Not the Chinese race. Not the Israeli race. Not the Palestinian race. The human race.
Who is suffering more? How many have lost more children? When you see a bloody, mutilated carcass, can you tell by looking at the remains that it is a Palestinian body? An Israeli?
Take away the clothing. Take away the surroundings. All that is left is a person, and simply that. A human being.
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