
...is so ITCHY.

reading these articles on "don't date a girl who travels" or "no te enamores de una mujer que viaje y/o escriba" or "date a girl who travels" brings back that itch. and oh, it's so itchy that it's almost transcends that boundary between the spiritual and the physical and i need to move, need to scratch, need to get out.

after living, traveling, exploring the lands of four different continents over the last three years, never staying in one place longer than 6 months before taking a trip somewhere, even long road trips every other month aren't quite enough to quell this seemingly insatiable itch that i've got inside. and i'm terrified, because they tell me that i need to find a job and i need to settle down and i need to create a stable life for myself once i graduate but i'm afraid that means that i'll be stuck in the same place for years and a part of me will die with every month that passes by when i can't just take off because of my work that holds me down. i'm genuinely scared of encountering that situation. so in the meantime i want to get out and move and drive and go to wherever i need to in order to feel whole once more, complete, healed. but i still can't figure out what or where or when that exactly is.