5-minute word vom #1

 Challenging myself to five minutes of writing at least once a week. Date: July 29, 2022. Current start time: 6:35 PM. 

Goal is to select a topic (and/or start typing about whatever topic I have in my head at the time of sitting down). Motivation: years and years of failed attempts to start a blog, get a following, whatever. Also, because of my inability to post anything that is neither 1) repost/short catchy phrase or 2) some long-ass winded entry that took me hours and hours to put together. Inspiration taken from a few newsletters by folks fearlessly sharing about things that happen to them. Also knowing that I can type above average means that my entries should have greater output than the average person (I think the last time I checked I was at 119 WPM.) Looking for folks to give me ideas to talk about, accountability because I hate letting others down more than I dislike letting myself down. Else, the content will be whatever I'm thinking about. Can I really be so fearless?

End time: 6:40 PM.